Friday, August 15, 2008

Bin Battle II ....

Following on from a recent post, now residents in Huddersfield have taken up t' gauntlet with the local refuse collection company.

After a recent strike by the bin men when no refuse was collected from their street, the residents in a "spur of the moment" action, formed a human ring round the refuse truck after the bin operatives refused to take the old rubbish. The rubbish had been in situ since the strike, and had not been collected and the binmen were going to leave about eight sacks of rubbish, until the residents put a stop to their getaway.

It is disheartening for normal council tax payer to be forced into this sort of action, just to get services that they are paying and have paid for. The councils line given by an un-named spokesman, said "This minor incident was quickly resolved in line with what we would expect of our collection crews. "
"All the refuse was collected. We always respond to any calls we receive from householders."

This blatantly is not true otherwise why were these residents forced to take matters into their own hands. The councils action for me is akin to the governments policy of "move along there, nothing to see".

Well done the residents of Huddersfield, the fight back just might be starting in earnest.

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