Monday, August 04, 2008

Winds of Change

The times we are told are changing, maybe its true, it certainly seems that as Incapability Brown has fewer followers than he had, and even less clout, as Millibrat set out his vision of the NewNu Labour future that he wanted to see.

Not much on substance, and just more tired old rejigs of the mantra, we will change etc etc, but it shows that all is definitely not well in the Brown world of politics.

The newspapers and MSM are all asking will he go or will he be pushed screaming out of an office, that he has shown he is unable master nor manage. The MSM have finally tumbled to that which we mere mortals have known for some time that Brown wasn't right, the shifty looks (some say creepy) the nail biting, the control freakery and the obvious deficiency in intelligence and intellect. He was never ever going to be the showman that Blair was, all the silly fucker had to do was not be outed, keep his head down and all might have been alright.

His indecision about the possibility of an election sparked notice that here was a bottler, and he started to look more and more shifty, the signing of the Lisbon Treaty late and behind closed doors without witnesses showed us his shame and his knowledge of that shame proving he knew we didn't want it, yet went ahead.

He and his cohorts deserve the kicking they are going to receive at the hands of the electorate come polling day, but for me that is much to lenient, the members of the labour party should all be strung up as a warning to the tories and all other "career politicians" to behave or they will be next!

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Blogger Mark Wadsworth said...

Welcome back.

10:14 am  

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