Monday, August 11, 2008

Bin battle won? So onto the war...

In today's Express, a piece about "bin" victor Roger Houlker, a 56 year old solicitor from Congleton in Cheshire caught my eye.

It seems that the solicitor took his local council to the Local Government ombudsman, for their failure to either issue his family with a second wheelie bin, or collect extra bags of rubbish he left beside his full bin.

The ombudsman Anne Seex, ruled in his favour and found the council guilty of "maladministration with injustice", she also voiced her concerns that though the council had the right to limit the number of bins it issued, she had reservations about whether the councils binmen could refuse to take extra bags.

Could it be at last we are seeing a resurgence of common sense in councils dealings with its customers, ie, the taxpayers? For far too long it appears that all councils actions have been contrary to what the taxpayers wanted or needed or even expected.

One small battle won in the war of the bins, which council will be next to fall!

Thank you Mr Houlker for refusing to lie down and take the proverbial rogering that councils wish to inflict on us all, well done that man!

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